Love of the Prophet and his Family by Sheikh Khalid al-Ansari Love of the Prophet and his Family is my Din, my true Madhhab and conviction. My support in all circumstances and forever - certainly I will mot be let down. The sun is but a part of his light and the moon is but an aspect of his splendour Everyone will be perpelxed by his significance Unable to grasp such a (high) maqam. Ah, I was being consumed more and more by sorrow, my state of distress aggravating, However by praising the Messenger I have been healed from all pains. Exalted is the One Who raised him in rank and increased him in honor and glory In the darkness (of the night) his Lord carried him swiftly from the Sacred House. I offer blesings and greeings of peace to the Prophet, the guide, from Tihama, And the noble Family and companions hoping by them (to reach) a good ending.